Drop by Drop
Here we are at the brand-new dianafoss.com. I had started a blog over at blogger.com, but decided I’d rather have the room to expand on my own site.
I have 27 signatures on my nomination papers. I’d like to get 30, just to be safe. I have to finish up my ballot statement and decide what I want to be called on the ballot. During the recall, I left my ballot designation blank (as did Dan Feinstein) which somehow resulted in my name’s being set in slightly smaller type than everyone else’s. I don’t actually have a ballot designation close at hand, which is why I’ve left it to last. It’s somewhat hard to to think of a three-word description of my primary avocation.
I’ve been getting lots of interesting phone calls. Joe Judge, my esteemed opponent, called me, asking whether I was committed to this race. After thanking him for his 21 years of service on the Board, I assured him that I am. Ross Gomez, from the South Bay Labor Council, called to tell me that the Council’s political endorsement committee will be interviewing candidates the Water District headquarters next Wednesday. He couldn’t tell me whether the SBLC endorsed Joe Judge four years ago. And Pat Ferraro, who served on the Board for District 2 from 1972 – 1995, also called me to offer his encouragement and support.
I’ve been watching past Board meetings on the Web. They’re fascinating, both in subject matter and in the dynamics of the Board members. Long, though. Each regular meeting is five to six hours long. I admire the current Board’s stamina.