Not bad, could be better
Tuesdays are Village Harvest days, at least the San José team that’s my usual posse. Heather, aka La Jefe, has been doing a sterling job of scheduling fruit that is not grapefruit, and we had two lemon trees today. One was in the backyard of a townhouse in one of those little pocket developments that have no parking.
The backyard was pretty weensy, too; we were getting in each others’ way. Nice lemons, though. We went on to another house, which we’ve picked before, but is now a vacant rental.
There’s a nice cherry tree in this yard, too; maybe we’ll get to pick it in a few weeks. We never get to pick cherries. This orange tree was really tall, so I went up a ladder for a while, since pole-picking eventually makes my neck hurt.
This house was just around the corner from Falafel Drive-In (not a very useful link, I’m afraid) which some of our team members had, astonishingly, never heard of. Since we had so many volunteers again today, I snuck off a few minutes early and ordered three dozen falafel balls (and a banana milkshake, but I slurped that up pretty quickly.) The next house was strange, wrinkly lemons.
I loaded up the crates in my car. I always take fruit to Martha’s Kitchen, in Willow Glen. But I later swapped some out for oranges. Lemons are very popular, but Martha’s Kitchen prefers fruit that they can serve fresh with their meals.
Finally, we enjoyed our snacks, featuring the falafel balls. Mmmm..falafel.