
The Veggielution groundbreaking event was perfect. The day was cooler but still sunny, we had an excellent turnout, and we got almost our entire field planted.

This is what it looked like this morning.

Beautiful in its way, especially if you’d been picking up rocks a month ago. First the horses arrived and started discing and plowing the section just behind the new field, in preparation for our sowing cover crops soon.

Then the Aztec dancers performed a blessing on our field and the seeds we were about to plant.

After the distinguished speakers were finished, it was time for the planting!

We planted tomatoes, peppers, potatoes, sweet corn, okra, summer squash, pumpkins, watermelons, cucumbers, lettuce, scallions and carrots.

Huge thanks to Whole Foods market in Campbell, and especially Sal Arciniega, for donating a generous and delicious lunch.

And thanks to Cheryl Pritchett and Rosebud for the discing and plowing.

And I didn’t get a photo of him, but huge thanks go to Brian Clampitt from the city of San José Parks, Recreation and Neighborhood Services department. He is an event planner extraordinaire, and there is no way this groundbreaking would have been as nice or run as well if Brian had not come in like the White Tornado. Kudos to the city staff for getting the equipment set up and taken down so fast. And thank you to Alex Pearson and all the Prusch park staff, for the yeoman’s service they did getting the field ready for planting.

After it was all done, Mark rested for a while.

and we turned the sprinklers on to water the baby plants.

Now the fun part of watching everything grow!

2 thoughts on “Groundbreaking!

  1. Rosebud and I had such a blast! I am so impressed with veggielution’s energy and determination. To get something like this accomplished in this economy is dedication and hours and hours of hard, hard work, I’m sure. This model is something I’ve dreamed of starting on my own, perhaps your program can be the impetus for others.

    Please invite us back!

  2. Thank you for the very kind words, Diana. I completely agree…the event was certainly a huge success! The Veggielution Team deserves a HUGE pat on the back. Without Veggielution’s vision and execution, the idea of a community driven sustainable farm would be only an dream. Your grass roots determination will certainly lead the way to future partnerships and beautiful farmland.

    Kudos again!


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