Guadalupe Saturday
I rode my bike along the Guadalupe River Trail this morning, amazed, as always, to see the airport after pulling up the short, steep hill under 880. There were several events going on downtown, a classic car and truck show
and what I guess are the day-before festivities for the Live Strong Challenge. I thanked my lucky stars that I was not engulfed in a huge crowd of people dressed in yellow jerseys.
I saw an egret
and the mysterious flag garden.
I stopped by the Historic Orchard to see how the fruit was coming along: lots of plums.
Every time I do that ride, I wonder what it would take to make riding a bike to the airport a realistic option. Secure bike storage, for one. A trailer to pull suitcases? Showers? I love using the trail to get to downtown events; San José has so many unexplored possibilities in this trail and park.