
We went back to the same orchard in Los Gatos that we’d picked the Saturday before last, but it was a bust. We had less than 100 lbs of fruit suitable for distribution to show for our pains.

But a morning with Village Harvest is never wasted. I brought a loaf of the apricot bread I made from Tuesday’s culls.

Heather had made zucchini bread, and there were yummy Hawaiian potato chips for snack, too. The rest of the team spent the morning dodging the enormous peacock plume I put in my hat on Sunday at Veggielution.

That’s me and John; we’re happy to have him back from his (too-eventful) trip to Canada.

When I got home, I saw that Andy Mariani (a big friend of Village Harvest) is featured on the cover of the new Agrarian Advocate, the publication of the Community Alliance for Family Farmers. Conveniently, it is also online (as a downloadable PDF.)

My take of culls was entirely manageable. I’m making another batch of jam for my sister-in-law, and drying the rest only filled three of my four dehydrator trays. I still have my own apricots, of course, but I had to pick them green in order to get any at all, so they’ll be fine in a basket on the counter for a while.

3 thoughts on “Plume

  1. The bread was delicious and the plume was fabulous. How you find time to do everything is beyond me. Will post my apricot pictures soon.

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