Water wizards

This morning, taking advantage of the day off from the SCVWD budget discussion, I volunteered at the Guadalupe River Park & Gardens Water Wizard Festival. What a great event! Three hundred local third-grade students (chosen by lot from over 1000 who applied) came for a morning of educational activities about watersheds, water quality and wildlife.

It was pretty windy, and we lost a couple awnings, but otherwise, it was a beautiful day to be outside.

After the presentations, the kids ate their lunches and enjoyed a wonderful performance by Zun Zun a Santa Cruz-based musical duo who perform more than 30 instruments between them. The performance was sponsored by Watershed Watch, who is also bringing them to local schools for assemblies. I’m going to talk to my kids’ school to see if we can have a show; it was very well-done

Here are the kids doing the high tide-low tide limbo.