All filed up and ready to go!
Whew! Today was a long day. But the end result is that my papers are finally filed.
The folks at the Santa Clara County Registrar of Voters are just terrific, patient and cheerful and very, very helpful. I didn’t take pictures this time, but I applauded after Liz Kniss took her oath, met several prospective members of the Democratic Central Committee, opened a bank account, went home and reworked my ballot statement when it was too long, got an extra nomination signature, met Patrick Kwok again, while he was checking for any new candidates from District 5, filed form 700, and got it all done. I love taking the oath; it’s so serious and heartfelt, and the registrar folks raise their own right hands and listen intently to every word.
Still to come, a Paypal account for online donations! And a real front page for this site. Good thing tomorrow is clear.