Let the sun shine Today’s Board meeting had quite a few interesting items. First was the continuation of the groundwater charge hearing, in which… Continue reading “Let the sun shine”…
Mercury asks for term limits The new District Act is getting more press. The Mercury editorializes this morning that elected directors should be limited to… Continue reading “Mercury asks for term limits”…
The District Act makes the news Today’s Mercury has an article and a sidebar about the proposed amendments to the District Act, the state law that… Continue reading “The District Act makes the news”…
Landscape Mode Today was the meeting of the Landscape Advisory Committee. The biggest event at the meeting, I thought, was Ron Kanemoto’s… Continue reading “Landscape Mode”…
OPEB It stands for “Other Post-Employment Benefits,” and it means retiree healthcare for life. The Government Accounting Standards Board now requires… Continue reading “OPEB”…
Delta blues Back to back SCVWD meetings. This morning’s highlights: a presentation on the Delta, brief discussion on filling vacant unclassified positions,… Continue reading “Delta blues”…
Making plans This morning’s special Board meeting dealt with the District’s Capital Improvement Program, which is the District’s rolling five-year plan for… Continue reading “Making plans”…
Not that EAC The SCVWD Board has a number of advisory committees that consider issues relating to different aspects of the District’s activities… Continue reading “Not that EAC”…
Channeling At today’s Board Meeting, the Board adopted amendments to their policies relating to flood control to explicitly call for “the… Continue reading “Channeling”…
Going with the flow I attended this morning’s special board meeting, where the board went through an unsorted list of issues to establish priorities… Continue reading “Going with the flow”…