Aguanomics I’ve been enjoying the Aguanomics blog, which has as its premise that. if water were priced to encourage conservation, that’s… Continue reading “Aguanomics”…
Semitropic This morning’s Mercury features an article by Paul Rogers about the Semitropic Water Bank down near Bakersfield, where the SCVWD… Continue reading “Semitropic”…
Toilet to tap In case you don’t regularly read the paper of record, here’s a NY Times article about Orange County’s water recycling.… Continue reading “Toilet to tap”…
Bags Filled With Sand Still Most Advanced U.S. Anti-Flood Technology From the Onion Filling a large number of bags with sand and then placing them side by side next to… Continue reading “Bags Filled With Sand Still Most Advanced U.S. Anti-Flood Technology”…
Rincon de los Esteros Tonight’s public hearing for the Alviso Slough Restoration Project was well-attended by supporters of the project. I’d estimate there were… Continue reading “Rincon de los Esteros”…
Slough of Despond Dick Santos has had it up to here. Paul Rogers has written a good article in this morning’s Mercury about… Continue reading “Slough of Despond”…
Pressing business I’ve been happy to see the recent coverage of the SCVWD in the Mercury. Paul Rogers has written stories on… Continue reading “Pressing business”…
Alviso Slough This morning’s big item was the resolution to “Set Public Hearing and Issue Draft Engineer’s Report and Draft Environmental Impact… Continue reading “Alviso Slough”…
Water rates Two weeks ago, when the SCVWD Board had got to the end of its budget week without having finished, they… Continue reading “Water rates”…
It’s official Governor Schwarzenegger declared a drought yesterday, the first since 1991, although he stopped short of declaring a state of emergency.… Continue reading “It’s official”…