More pears We went back to the pears of Summit Woods this morning, picking more at last week’s orchard, plus another house.… Continue reading “More pears”…
Have pole picker, will travel No photos today. I picked a lovely kumquat tree, about six weeks too late, but the kumquats were enormous and… Continue reading “Have pole picker, will travel”…
Good fires Yesterday morning’s drive to Año Nuevo was not the normal jaunt up the coast. As soon as I got over… Continue reading “Good fires”…
Primary and Secondary I’m off to Año Nuevo today, to tell people all about the elephant seals (and to hear about how the… Continue reading “Primary and Secondary”…
Fruits of our labors A busy day. First thing in the morning, I harvested at Veggilelution, to the detriment of my now-scratched-by-zucchini-vines arms. Here… Continue reading “Fruits of our labors”…
Prunes and CSA This morning, we had a very special episode of Village Harvest, gleaning almost a ton of Italian prune plums from… Continue reading “Prunes and CSA”…
Mobile Slaughterhouse I read a lot of blogs, and it’s funny to see unexpected crossovers. While I enjoy the Consumerist for its… Continue reading “Mobile Slaughterhouse”…
Not cooking This morning before I left, I read “Out of the Kitchen, on to the Couch, Michael Pollan’s essay in the… Continue reading “Not cooking”…
Pears There are places we all look forward to returning to every year. Village Harvest is no different, and today we… Continue reading “Pears”…