Thursday again! My pick up time is now earlier, so I have slightly better light for my photos, although today I’m in kind of a hurry, so my food styling is not up to even its normal poor standard.

Those are raspberries in the little box, and plums and apricots in the bag. I confess that I left a box of berries at the pickup.

This is how the veggies come, in a big plastic box liner. Clockwise from top left we have: carrots, parsley, a bag of spinach, dandelion greens, butter lettuce, nappa cabbage, round zukes, kale and a bag of green beans. There is also a small bunch of arugula that hid behind something.

I still haven’t made my okonomi-yaki; now I’ll do it with more cabbage. The only other exciting thing that springs to mind (after kale chips, of course) is the method for drying zucchini that Hank Shaw blogged about this morning. For me, next to managing the sheer quantity of zucchini, dealing with its high water content is the biggest challenge.