
There is a nice article in the LA Times about gleaning and neighborhood produce exchanges. Nancy Garrison, Willow Glen Master Gardener extraordinaire, has been talking about starting a produce exchange here; now that the LBAM restrictions have been loosened, maybe it will come to pass.

Serious Eats has been tilting ever more in a sustainable, localvore direction, and has a post on the merits of freezing your seasonal produce to enjoy it later.

And over at The Atlantic food channel, Helene York of Bon Appétit Management Company writes a post about reforming the food system from the inside. I like this quote:

Reforming the food system requires it all: protests against non-responsive global producers and CAFOs, and muckraking books and movies to raise broad awareness. But it also requires constant prodding and creative thinking from “the inside” that few enthusiasts see to overcome the challenges of distribution, of product availability, of cost, and especially the challenge of satisfying palates formed to expect high fat, salty, and sugary snacks in significant quantities. What’s the point of sourcing and serving great food if students turn up their noses at unfamiliar vegetables? Or won’t eat anything other than Cheerios and chicken tenders?

My own philosophy is that the best is the enemy of the good (which is why I find ludicrous the idea of boycotting Whole Foods because of anything that John Mackey says.) I’m happy to support anyone who is working to make the world a better place, even if it’s a little bit at a time, and even if they (gasp!) work for a for-profit corporation.