Cross post

I knit a hat for Mike to thank him for all that he did for our dinner.

There are a couple of articles that caught my eye today. Eric Asimov, the NYT wine critic, asks the musical question why do so many locavorean Bay Area restaurants serve so little California wine? And this prompts The Chron to look into it, too. The short answer from both is that California wines are too fruity and alcoholic to pair well with food, which I wonder at, given the huge scale of the wine industry in this state. But they’re also more expensive, which I’ll agree with, given my experience with sourcing wine for Saturday’s dinner.

Also in the Chron, Michael Bauer likes chefs who use the whole animal at their restaurants.

Dave Budworth will be part of an open-fire cooking event on 7 November that, in St. Helena, is a leeetle too far for me to consider attending.

Helene York thinks that government employees who implement food policy should eat better food. But apropos my comment to that post, not everyone is enamored with the cafeteria just down the Mall.