Time marches on. Despite the flood of local produce that has swept over my kitchen, Thursday comes and again and brings with it another CSA box from Live Earth Farm.

I tried to do a slightly better job of food styling today. Can you tell?

Starting with the bags up top, we have: green beans, sweet peppers, carrots, potatoes and tomatoes. Then counter-clockwise from just underneath the beans: two heads of lettuce (one huge) beets, apples, eggs, eggplants, and radishes.

No extras today, and no huge bunches of cooking greens. The lettuce, peppers and carrots will be pressed into service for the Bounty of Heart’s Delight. (We’ve sold 41 tickets so far!) The beets are accumulating until I decide to roast them all at once. I’ll also probably roast the potatoes and serve them with the romesco sauce I still have lurking in the fridge. I’ll dry-saute the beans, maybe do something vaguely Chinese with the eggplant, too, and eat the apples out of hand. The tomatoes will go into a sauce with more from my garden.

Inexplicably, I had never been to Full Circle Farm until this morning, when I picked up the garlic so generously donated by Meghan Cole, the farm manager. It was a beautiful morning. And their chickens are so glossy and sleek!