About running I describe my experience of running in the 2003 recall election as “a performance art piece rather than a campaign.”… Continue reading “About running”…
Speaking of the blogosphere I have a guest post up at San Jose Inside. Thanks to Jack Van Zandt! Continue reading “Speaking of the blogosphere”…
Withering away I am running for a fairly obscure elected position. In fact, a common reaction when I tell people that I’m… Continue reading “Withering away”…
Nor any drop to drink Yesterday evening, the Committee on Political Education of the South Bay Labor Council met at SCVWD headquarters to interview Directors… Continue reading “Nor any drop to drink”…
Trickle down Finally, a top-level page! I’ve got much more work to do, of course, but at least it’s there. Continue reading “Trickle down”…
All filed up and ready to go! Whew! Today was a long day. But the end result is that my papers are finally filed. The folks at… Continue reading “All filed up and ready to go!”…
Going with the flow I attended this morning’s special board meeting, where the board went through an unsorted list of issues to establish priorities… Continue reading “Going with the flow”…
Drop by Drop Here we are at the brand-new dianafoss.com. I had started a blog over at blogger.com, but decided I’d rather have… Continue reading “Drop by Drop”…
Stream of Consciousness  For this morning’s Saturday bike ride, I took… Continue reading “Stream of Consciousness”…